A soldier who completes 15 years reckonable service from date of attestation or age 17½, whichever is later, shall be eligible for consideration, though there are a number of offences/misconduct which would normally preclude award of the LS&GCM.
Awards are only made after a comprehensive check of a soldier's record of service. As this medal requires the recommendation of the individuals' commanding officer, it can only be awarded to serving personnel.
A soldier who, subsequent to award of the Medal, goes on to complete a further 15 years service shall be eligible for award of the Clasp to the LS&GCM provided that the conduct/discipline criteria have been met.
An Officer shall be eligible for award of the LS&GCM if 12 or more of the 15 years service has been in the ranks and provided that the other criteria have been met. An Officer shall be eligible for award of the Clasp if 22 or more of the 30 years service has been in the ranks and provided that the other criteria have been met.
Prior to 1 December 1977, 18 years service was required for consideration for the LS&GCM. The qualifying criteria are laid out in the Queens Regulations.
Source: MOD
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