Obituary of Lt Col David Roberts
The present day 1st Battalion, The Parachute Regiment, also known as 1 PARA was formed in 1948 from the 4th and 6th Battalions.
(For further information on the 1st Parachute Battalion which was formed in 1941, please click here)
From mid 1951 to 1954 it saw active service in Cyprus, the Canal Zone in Egypt and during counter-terrorist operations against EOKA in Cyprus in 1956. It participated in the amphibious landings at Suez during the crisis in November, before being back in Cyprus again in 1958.
During the 1960s 1 PARA served with the Bahrain garrison between 1962-3, a United Nations peace-keeping tour in Cyprus in early 1964 before returning to Bahrain again in 1965 and 1966. The Battalion covered the eventful withdrawal from Aden in 1967 after 127 years of British rule.
The first of its 12 Northern Ireland Op BANNER emergency tours began at the end of 1969, including the ‘Bloody Sunday’ riots in Londonderry on 30th January 1972. Tours were to continue intermittently and total 96 months up to September 2005. (See below for list).
In 1973, the Battalion went on a sixth month tour to Cyprus which started in May and saw paratroopers based in Polemidhia Camp join the UNFICYP peacekeeping force. They returned home later in 1973. The following year, the Battalion was awarded new colours (the first since 1950) alongside the other three regular battalions and 4 PARA. After 2 years in Berlin, which included "the finest tattoo ever staged by HM armed forces", the Battalion returned from leave. They subsequently went to the Netherlands and were involved in the filming of "A Bridge Too Far" from August 31 to September 17 1976, during which time they carried out 927 parachute descents on board 11 Dakotas as part of the filming. There followed a UN tour in Cyprus at the end of 1976 which had started by October and saw paratroopers returning to Cyprus, based in St David's Camp. When the 16th Parachute Brigade disbanded in 1977, 1 PARA became part of 6th Field Force on its return to the UK and completed an Emergency Tour in Hong Kong in 1980. Three years of public duties followed in Edinburgh until in January 1983 the Battalion moved to Bulford and took on the Ace Mobile Force Land (AMF(L)) role. Four winters in Norway as the Army’s Mountain and Arctic Battalion followed until May 1987 when the battalion returned to Aldershot, joining the 5th Airborne Brigade.
Training and four more Northern Ireland tours preceded the Battalion’s first conventional deployment since Suez in 1956. The 1 PARA Battle Group secured the Kacanik Defile on the Macedonian border in an air-mobile helicopter insertion spearheading the entry of the NATO KFOR Peace Keeping Force into Kosovo in 1999. Thereafter the Battalion assumed responsibility to restore order in the anarchic conditions that prevailed in the capital of Pristina, when the operation transitioned to peace-keeping.
In May 2000 a 1 PARA Battle Group conducted a rapid deployment to Freetown Sierra Leone to protect a Services Evacuation of UK and other civilian nationals threatened by rebel forces. Their firm action during Operation PALLISER stabilised the situation. Another rapid operation was conducted the following September when A Company Group was suddenly deployed for Operation BARRAS, a joint SAS rescue mission to save British military hostages held by a rebel group called the west side Boys. The mission was completely successful.
Three years later the 16th Air Assault Brigade advanced into Iraq in February 2003 as part of the Anglo-American Coalition to secure the Rumaylah and West Qurnah Oil Fields during the second Iraq War. Both 1 and 3 PARA Battle Groups secured the main south –north route to Basra and 1 PARA took control of Al Amarah in the northern part of the Iraqi Maysan Province. It returned to the UK in July 2003.
More recently the Battalion has been re-designated a specialist role as infantry support to UK Special Forces operations in various theatres throughout the world.
Northern Ireland Tours:
Op BANNER Oct 1969 - Feb 1970 4 Months
Residential Sep 1970 - May 1972 20 Months
Op MOTORMAN Jul - Nov 1972 4 Months
Op BANNER Apr - Jul 1978 4 Months
Spearhead Reinforcement Nov 1981 - Jan 1982 2 Months
Op BANNER May - Oct 1982 4 Months
Op BANNER Jul - Nov 1988 4 Months
Residential Feb 91 - Jul 93 30 Months
Op BANNER Dec 94 - Jun 1995 6 Months
Op BANNER Jun - Dec 1997 6 Months
Op BANNER (RRB) Dec 2000 - Jun 2001 6 Months
Op NIBAT 1 Mar - Sep 2005 6 Months
Commanding Officers:
1st Parachute Battalion
1941-2 Lt Col EE Down
1942 Lt Col SJL Hill, MC
1942-3 Lt Col AS Pearson, DSO, MC
1943-4 Lt Col P Cleasby-Thompson, MBE, MC
1944 Lt Col KT Darling, DSO
1944-5 Lt Col DT Dobie, DSO
1945-6 Lt Col TCH Pearson, DSO
1946-8 Lt Col EJB Nelson, DSO, MC
(Formed Jul 48 from 4th/6th Para Bn)
1948-50 Lt Col JH Cubbon, OBE
1950-1 Lt Col CHP Harrington, DSO, MC
1951-2 Lt Col DW Jackson
1952-4 Lt Col HLEC Leask, DSO, MC
1954-56 Lt Col Jackson
1956 Lt Col JSS Gratton
1957-9 Lt Col GG Reinhold, MC
1959-61 Lt Col J Awdry
1961-2 Lt Col TJ Pine-Coffin, DSO
1962-4 Lt Col PDF Thursby OBE
1964-6 Lt Col JDC Graham, OBE
1966-8 Lt Col MJH Walsh, DSO
1969-71 Lt Col MS Gray, OBE
1971-3 Lt Col D Wilford, OBE
1973-6 Lt Col PS Field, MC
1976-9 Lt Col JB Brierley, OBE
1979-81 Lt Col DMG Charles
1981-4 Lt Col I McLeod, OBE, MC
1984-6 Lt Col MD Jackson, MBE
1986-8 Lt Col JG Reith, OBE
1988-90 Lt Col RW Trigger MBE
1990-93 Lt Col AWJ Kennett
1993-95 Lt Col G McFall
1995-98 Lt Col J James, MBE
1998-00 Lt Col P Gibson, DSO, MBE
2000-2 Lt Col N Davies, MBE, MC
2002-5 Lt Col T Beckett
2005-7 Lt Col MP Christie, MBE
2007-09 Lt Col GP Hill
2009-12 Lt Col AM Wright MBE
2012-14 Lt Col ED Sandry
2014 Lt Col AJE Truett MBE
HQ Company of 1 PARA en route to Port Said by sea. November 1956.
Typical accomodation for soldiers during the early days of the troubles.
A patrol of 1 PARA stand in front of an old stone building.
Paratroopers attend a pre-operation briefing.
Two paratroopers on a foot patrol through a housing estate.
Paratrooper holding a SA 80 gun on foot patrol through a housing estate.
Graffiti on a building wall giving the Irish view of many emergency tours.
Joint Parachute Regiment and RUC foot patrol.
1 PARA conducting arrests and body searches in Londonderry, January 1972.
An urban riot scene involving 1 PARA.
Signed print of 1950 Colours presentation.
Wombat on the Ranges
C Company, 9 plt, Oman 1989
1 PARA First Team for the Army Football Cup Final in the BAOR, 1975/76
1 and 2 PARA Sniper Pls 1997
Men of 1 PARA prepare for a parachute drop
Cpl Tom Speakman (Royal Signals) and Pte Kevin Bacon (RAMC), 1 PARA, Aden 1967.
1 Para Anti Tank Team, notice behind them are the Buffalo landing craft from WW2
1 Para camp cinema, Cyprus 1956
Photo of Phillip Colechin and another Airborne soldier
Group photo of members of 1st Bn, 3" Mortar Pln, Cyprus 1956
Egbert, 1 Para's parachuting monkey landing in Bahrain, 1964
Members of 1 Para in group portrait
Drums Pln, 1 PARA, Cyprus.
1 PARA Anti Tank Platoon Live Fire Exercise Hohne Germany
1 Para Anti Tank Platoon - live fire of a Milan
Members of 1 PARA Anti-Tank Platoon, Grunewald Forest Berlin, 1975
Terry Miller at the age of 20
Nick Woolmer & 'Geordie' Craft, 1 PARA Mortar Platoon, undated.
C Coy Live Firing Exercise - A Range Brecon, Wales. Date Unknown.
The Colours of the 1st Battalion, The Parachute Regiment.
Members of 1 PARA, Operation Agricola, Kosovo, 1999.
Steve Lewis and Mick 'Albert' Smith, 1 PARA, Omeath South Armagh 1978.
Steve Lewis with M1 carbine, with 'Skiddy' and Andy Mason in the background, 1 PARA, date unknown.
Andy Warner, Steve Lewis,'Taff' Pearce, B Coy, 1 PARA, South Armagh, 1978.
'Pete' Townsend Steve Lewis and 'Hughie' McGee, B Coy 1 PARA, Fort Campbell Kentucky, 1979.
1 Para HQ Coy. Montgomery Barracks, Berlin. 1975.
Pte Cutler (Left) and Cpl Greenwood observe a riot. Butler Street, 2nd February 1971.
HRH The Prince of Wales on a visit to 1 PARA. Copehill Down, 1999.
Collection of 1 Para images. Hong Kong, 1980.
Identity Disc for Pte Dewey 1 Para
Alfred OJ Pope's Military Cross
Para and Free fall helmet of Peter Wildblood
Stephen R Bolger's Head Stone
Checkpoint traffic Aden 1967
Helicopters On deck of HMS ALBION Aden 1967
On HMS ALBION with helicopters on deck Aden 1967
Tugs and helicopters on HMS Albion 1967
Flight deck of HMS Albion in Aden 1967
Saladin crewed by Queens Own Hussars, Aden 1967
Tented Lines at Radfan Camp
Vehicle Stop at a Checkpoint Aden 1967
View from a checkpoint Aden 1967
Operational area 1 Aden 1967
Operational area 2 Aden 1967
Operational area 3 Aden 1967
Operational area 4 Aden 1967
Operational area 6 Aden 1967
Operational area 7 Aden 1967
Operational area 8 Aden 1967
Paras move into cover, Op Barras, Sierra Leone, 10 September 2000
Members of 1 PARA in a Chinook, Op Barras, Sierra Leone, 10 September 2000
Land Rover WMIKs being delivered by Chinook, Op Barras, Sierra Leone, 10 September 2000
Members of 1 PARA move forward, Op Barras, Sierra Leone, 10 September 2000
members of 1 PARA preparing to move out, Op Barras, Sierra Leone, 10 September 2000
Pte Arnold and airborne colleagues, possibly 1st Bn Germany, c1948
A Coy 1 PARA Hildersheim BAOR circa 1948 Pte Mathews in foreground
L/Cpl Arnold and colleague possibly Germany 1948
Germany - Lance Cpl Arnold on the left c1948
Lance Cpl Arnold swimming the Rhine 1948
Photo Album: Presentation of The Parachute Regiment's first Colours, Aldershot 19 July 1950.
The Chaplain-General conducting the Consecration Service of the Colours, Aldershot 19 July 1950.
Bobby Rankin and Alex Dunbar,C Coy 1 PARA, Canal Zone. 1951.
Alex Dunbar and Bobby Rankin, C Coy, 1 PARA, Fayid Egypt, Canal Zone, 1950s.
Members of 1 PARA at Ash Ranges, Aldershot, 1951.
Terence Gillott (Gilly as we called him) with Rod Escott, during gun practice, Cyprus, 1956
Three members of A Coy, 1 PARA, in Troodos Mountains, 1956.
Pte Len Wright at the helm with members of 1 PARA, river patrol, c1956.
Members of 1 PARA, Cyprus, c1956.
Members of 1 PARA, Cyprus, 1956.
Part of Chalk 7, 1 Para prior to emplaning for Ex Brownjug Denmark, 1957
1 Para Mascot, 1957
Ptes Jim Pidgeon and Chris Chapman, 1 PARA, at Whittington Camp Nicosia Cyprus 1958.
Lt Ted Loden with Major Richard Dawnay, Company Commander D Coy 1 PARA, Radfan c1965.
Lt Gen Harrington inspecting 1 Para Guard during a visit to Bahrain, 1964
Egbert, 1 Para's parachuting monkey in Bahrain 1964
D Coy 1 Para Sgt Charlie Moon and CSM Midi Campbell Radfan circa 1965
Pte Jim Gallagher, Cyprus, 1964.
S/Sgt Riordan with D Company Sgt in Radfan circa 1965
D Company 1 Para, payday in Radfan, circa 1965
Maj Gen Cubbon visiting D Coy 1 Para Radfan, circa 1965
Member of 1 PARA 'D' Company at Checkpoint Golf, Aden, 1967
Members of 1 PARA by jeep, Aden 1967
Member of 1 PARA 'D' Company in Sheikh Othman, Aden, 1967
1 PARA Reconnaissance Platoon, Aden, 1967
Paratroopers in Tented Camp, Aden, 1967
Member of B Company, 1 PARA, Radfan Camp, Aden, 1967
Members of B Company 1 PARA relaxing in Radfan Camp, Aden, 1967
Members of 1 PARA at Beech Road Checkpoint, Aden, 1967
Member of B Company, 1 PARA, Aden, 1967
Soldiers repairing Radio Mast at Fort Walsh, Aden, 1967
Members of 1 PARA attending a service at little Aden Cemetry, Aden, 1967
Service at Little Aden Cemetry, Aden, 1967
A Sergeant from the Parachute Regiment, Aden, 1967
Paratroopers riding camels outside 'Juliet' Road Block, Aden, 1967
Men of 1 Para onboard a Land Rover, Aden, 1967
1 PARA, D Company leaving Fort Walsh on foot patrol, Aden, 1967
Mortar Plt Sp Coy 1 PARA about to patrol Sheik Othman Aden 1967
Aden, Sheik Othman police station OP 1 PARA tour 1967
1 PARA on parade outside Buckingham Palace, 1969
Band enter the gates of Buckingham Palace when 1 PARA performed Public Duties, 1969
1 PARA mounts guard at Wellington Barracks, 1969
Changing of the Guard, 1 PARA on Public Duties, 1969
Two Paras on guard as Colours are marched passed, 1 PARA Public Duties, 1969.
Colours being paraded at Buckingham Palace, 1 PARA Public Duties, 1969.
1 PARA in front of Buckingham Palace, 1969.
Lt checks details on clipboard, 1 PARA Public Duties, 1969
1 PARA on duty at the Tower of London, 1969
Three members of 1 PARA, Op Banner, c1970.
'Cpl Ringway' on deployment to Berlin with 1 PARA, c.1974
1 PARA Anti-Tank Platoon Cyprus 1976
Cpl Joe Lee takes the Salute as 1 PARA marches past on the occasion of his leaving the Army after 22 year's service, 1976.
Bob Craft and Al Slater, 1 PARA, South Armagh, 1977.
Keith Bromley and Dale Gibson A Coy 1 PARA, Crossmaglen, 1978.
Members of 1 PARA, 1979.
Steve Lewis and Kurt Liddell, 1 PARA, at RAF Lyneham, c1979.
L/Cpl Brian Taylor, 1 PARA, at an Observation Post on the Hong Kong border, 1980
Refugees apprehended at the border and awaiting transportation, Hong Kong, 1980
1 PARA patrol escorts illegal immigrants on the Hong Kong border, 1980
The Pegasus patrol embark on a mountain patrol on the Hong Kong border, 1980
Soldiers from A Coy, 1 PARA in a border Observation Post, Hong Kong, 1980
Pte Wells with 'Billy', B Coy 1 PARA mascot, in mountain border region, Hong Kong, 1980
Paras loading a resupply helicopter on the Tolo Peninsular, Hong Kong, 1980
1 PARA Raiders preparing for a coastal border patrol, Hong Kong, 1980
B Company 1 PARA pause on a grassy slope before patrolling, Hong Kong, 1980
Five paratroopers attend to their laundry on camp, Hong Kong, 1980
Men of C Coy 1 PARA with illegal immigrants caught at the border with China, Hong Kong, 1980
Governor Sir Murray Macclehose meets men from C Coy 1 PARA, Hong Kong, 1980
1 PARA soldiers on Robins Nest, Hong Kong border region, 1980
Dave Colton (left) and Al Boardman, 1 PARA Anti-Tank Platoon, Crest Hill Op Hong Kong 1980
Sgt Chris Forrester on ceremonial duties at Edinburgh Castle, 1981.
Pte Greg Allen, 1 PARA, waiting to go out Northern Ireland, 1982.
Greg Allen and Paul Skidmore, A Coy, 1 PARA, emergency tour in Northern Ireland, c1982.
Members of Close Observation Platoon (COP), 1 PARA, Northern Ireland, 1982.
Two members of Close Observation Platoon, 1 PARA, Northern Ireland, 1982.
Members of 1 PARA Mortar Platoon on exercise in Norway, mid 1980s.
Frank Fletcher and Patrick Henry, Mortar Live Firing in Norway, 1987.
'Ginge' Mason and Greg Allen, 1 PARA, Norway, c1987.
Crossmaglen Army Base following an IRA mortar attack, c1989.
Patrols Cadre, 1 PARA, 1990.
Richy Clatworthy and Craig Iredale, B Coy 1 PARA, Yakima USA, 1996.
Capt R Donnellan and Russian Airborne soldiers, Rhyazan, Russia, 1998.
Prince Charles at the Colours Presentation, Queen's Avenue, Aldershot, 1998.
Parachutists at the Colours Presentation to 1, 2 and 3 PARA at Queens Avenue, Aldershot, 1998.
Sgt Paul Tonks protecting Madeleine Albright (US Secretary of State) Kosovo, 1999.
Paras on patrol in Sierra Leone, 2000
Covering fire position with a GMPG, Sierra Leone, 2000
C/Sgt Paul Tonks on sniper duties, Lungi Airport, Sierra Leone, 2000.
A 1 PARA Coyote on static display at IWM Duxford 17 June 2012
Map Detailing 1 PARA's positions in Aden, 1967
1 Para "D" Company Reunion St Athan 2007.
Group photograph of A Coy, 1 PARA on an exercise in Norway
Members of D Coy HQ 1 PARA
Regimental mascots on parade, Aldershot, early 1960s
C Coy 1 PARA Palace Barracks, Holywood Northern Ireland, 1971
Four members of 1 PARA, Northern Ireland, 1980s.
1 PARA, Drill and Duties Cadre, 1980s.
Members of 1 PARA, Norway, 1980s.
1 Para, Belize. Date Unknown
Drums. 1 PARA. July 1959.
Members of 1 PARA and 4 PARA after gaining their American Jump Wings.
3 Platoon, A Company, 1 PARA, March & Shoot winners, Hythe & Lydd ranges, 1978.
1 PARA ready to jump in Norway, 1980s.
Recce Platoon, 1 PARA, Oman, Date unknown.
1st Bn (1940-1945) The Parachute Regiment, 2nd Reunion, Saturday 24 April 1971.
The Officers of The 1st Battalion, The Parachute Regiment, Egypt, May, 1952.
Members of 1 PARA, Hong Kong 1980.
2 Platoon, A Company, 1 PARA, Aldershot, May 1991.
B Company, 1 PARA. Fort Campbell, Kentucky, 1979.
Members of D Company, 1 PARA, 1951.
Members of 1 PARA Battle Group on Operation Telic, Iraq, March 2003.
1 Para, D (Ptl) Coy. Palace Barracks, 1970.
1 Para C Coy 7 Pln on return from Cyprus 1956
Passing out parade 40 Pln, Aldershot 1955
1 Para C Coy Cyprus 1956
Members of 1 Para C Coy 1956
1 Para C Coy 7 Pln on return from Cyprus 1956
1 Para Cross Country team 1959-60
Petula Clark with Pegasus 1, 1Para mascot
Pte Brian N Newbold with members of 1Para
Kevin Robins in Sierra Leone with the locals
Kevin Robins and T Turner Ex Grand Prix in Kenya early 1990s
1972 Donegall Street Bombing, Belfast
Images of Peter Hampson
Photos taken during the 22 years Joe Lee served with 1 Para
1st Battalion, Parachute Regiment Athletics Team, 1957
'Brummie', Brian Aydon, 'Binge' Thompson 1972
David Roberts in Beirut
10th Anniversary of Freedom of Paris
Armoured Vehicles of QOH in Radfan Camp 1967
C Coy forms up for Remembrance Day Parade Radfan Camp
Members of C Coy on Patrol Aden 1967
C Coy Para with SLRs, Aden 1967
C Coy Aden 1967
Camel passes through a check point Aden 1967
LT NICK EMSON WITH SOME OF HIS SOLDIERS at fortified location, Aden 1967
Lt Purley on duty at Radfan Camp while Lt Emson waits for transport to the beach
Nick Emson and David Purley Radfan Camp 1967
OC C Coy Peter Field with Lts Emson and Purley Aden 1967
1 PARA Athletics Team 1957
Norman Edward Menzies MBE as an instructor at the Airborne Forces Depot early 1960s
Edward 'Ted' Durrant in a Stick
Major General Mike Jackson and Lieutenant General Pike outside IFOR's Multi-National Division South West HQ (Bosnia), when Mike was its GOC
Mike Jackson (right) with SACEUR Bernard Rogers (centre) and Major Kennans during Exercise Viper, Norway 1986
Mike Jackson leaving Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina), when he was GOC of IFOR's Multi National Division Southwest
Mike Jackson atop a car leaving Banja Luka when he was GOC of IFOR's MND Southwest
Major General Mike Jackson with General Roger Wheeler, when Mike was part of the Multi National Force
Mike Jackson pictured singing Christmas carols in an April 1980 Pegasus feature.
Mike Jackson with B Coy's Major Bashall and Lt Col Shaw at Drumcree Church, NI June 1999
Mike Jackson speaks to protesters in the Balkans
Mike Jackson surrounded by press while he was IFOR's MND SW Commander
Mike Jackson and his wife Sarah on their wedding day in 1985
Lieutenant Colonel Allen Parry leading a parade during the presentation of colours
Group photograph of 1st Para Bn Officers (prior to Arnhem), Bourne, 1944.
7 Platoon, D Company, The First Battalion The Parachute Regiment, Germany 1948.
A Company 1 PARA Brunswick Germany, 1949.
Members of A Coy 1 Para prepared for balloon jumping Hildersheim Germany 1949
The King and Queen meet the RSMs of the regular battalions, Aldershot 19 July 1950.
The King and Queen with officers of 1 PARA, Aldershot 19 July 1950.
1 PARA entraining from Aldershot prior to Cyprus, 1951
Members of 1 PARA after storming the Police Post and Barracks, Canal Zone, Egypt, January 1952.
Group photograph of 1st Battalion Sergeants Mess, Moascar, Egypt, 1953
Coronation Party from the Parachute Regiment parade on HM The Queen's Coronation, 2 June 1953
Members of 2 Platoon, A Company, 1 PARA, England, c1957.
Informal group portrait of 3 Section, 12 Platoon, D Company, 1 Para, Cyprus, 1956
1 Para D Coy 106mm Anti-Tank Crew, Suez, 1956
Members of A Coy, 1 PARA, Cyprus, 1956.
Members of 2 Platoon, A Coy, 1 PARA, Cyprus, 1956.
Members of A Coy, 1 PARA, Snake Island, Cyprus, 1956.
Members of 2 Platoon, A Coy, 1 PARA, Aldershot, 1956.
Members of a section from A Coy, 1 PARA, with a Turkish Cypriot Policeman, at the base of Kyrenia Mountains, Cyprus, 1956.
Group photograph of 1st Battalion, Parachute Regiment Athletics Team, 1957
Members of 2 Platoon, A Company, 1 PARA, relaxing, England, c1957.
The Mascot leads the way as 1 PARA marching out of the barracks to receive the Freedom of Aldershot, September 1957
Group portrait of 3 Platoon, A Coy, 1 Para, Oct 1957
Drums Pln, 1 PARA, practising seaborne landings in Cyprus, 1958.
Drums Pln, 1 PARA, Cyprus, 1958.
C Company, 1 PARA in The Havelock Arms in Aldershot, c 1958.
1 Para Drums, July 1959
Group photo of 1 PARA Canoe Team for the Devizes to Westminster Canoe Race, 1961
Anti Tank Platoon 1 PARA Albuhera Barracks Aldershot circa 1960/61
1 Para Athletics team (Army Inter Unit Athletics Team Champions) 1961
Lt. General Harrington (former CO 1 Para) with some who served with him, in Bahrain 1964
1 PARA Cross Country Team 1967
Members of 1 PARA, Northern Ireland, c1970.
Members of 1 PARA, Northern Ireland, c1970.
Mortar Platoon,1 PARA, Palace Barracks, Northern Ireland, 1972.
Members of 1 PARA Anti-Tank Platoon circa 1975
Members of 7 Plt, C Coy 1 PARA taken on Dhekelia Ranges Cyprus late 1970s
Members of 7 Plt C Coy 1 PARA awaiting transport out of Forkhill 1978
Mick Flannigan, Ian Barrie and Jack Fisher, A Coy, 1 PARA, town patrol Crossmaglen, 1978.
1 Platoon, A Coy, 1 PARA, Hythe & Lydd March and Shoot, 1979.
1 Platoon, A Coy, 1 PARA, Hythe & Lydd March and Shoot, 1979.
1 Platoon, A Company, 1 PARA, Hythe & Lydd March and Shoot, 1979.
Group photograph of C Coy, 1 PARA, July 1979
Group photo of C Coy 'Marauders' resting before a night patrol, Hong Kong, 1980
1 PARA Spearhead Tour 1981-1982 CS 11c and 11d
1 Para Anti Tanks waiting for helicopter transport Fermanagh 1982
Greg Allen, Mick O'Connell and Tony McCann, 1 PARA, Oman, 1982.
Members of 1 PARA, Oman, 1982.
Members of A Coy, 1 PARA, Spearhead Tour, Northern Ireland, c1982.
Members of 1 PARA, Oman Tour, 1982.
Patrol Platoon, 1 PARA, Oman 1982.
1 PARA Close Observation Platoon, Edinburgh 1982.
A Company, 1 PARA, NATO Challenge Cup Winners, Denmark 1983.
Recce Platoon, 1 PARA, Bulford, c1985.
Mortar Platoon, 1 PARA, July 1985.
Members of Mortars Platoon, 1 PARA, Portugal 1986.
Mortar Detachment, attached to C Coy, 1 PARA, Mojhave Desert, 1986.
Mortar Platoon, 1 PARA in Otterburn Camp for the annual Army Mortar Platoon Concentration in 1986.
9 Platoon, C Company, 1 PARA, Northern Ireland 1988.
1 PARA, Close Observation Platoon, Northern Ireland, 1988.
9 Platoon, C Company, 1 PARA, Oman, 1989.
Mortar Platoon 1 PARA Cyprus 1990
Members of 1 PARA, c1990.
1 PARA Colour Party Airborne Forces Day Golden Jubilee July 1992.
B Coy 1 PARA, Yakima USA, 1996.
Warrant Officers and Sergeants Mess, 1 PARA, July 1996.
Colours Presentation, Queen's Avenue, Aldershot, July 1998.
Support Coy's NCOs landing at Lungi Airfield as part of 1 PARA Battle Group, Sierra Leone, May 2000.
Members of 1 PARA on pre-deployment training for Iraq, 2007
RSM 'Tom' Foster, 1 PARA, 1969-1971.
Major John Rymer-Jones, 2ic 1 PARA, 1969.
'Pop' Wells, 1 PARA, Canada 1980.
Dave Wood with 'shot up' tea urn, 1 PARA, Canada 1980.
Mick Champion, 1 PARA, date unknown.
L/Cpl Terry Miller checking a civilian worker entering Whittington camp, Cyprus 1958.
Pte Richard Joyce sitting in an Austin Champ
Pte S Dewey
Pte S Dewey in PRA blazer
Kevin Robins whilst serving with 1 Para
Kevin Robins Depot Para Instructor1997-99
C Coy soldier mans a GPMG at a base
GPMG Gunner Aden 1967
Private Virdee, Aden 1967, C Coy Clerk and radio operator
Sgt Duncan with monkey, Radfan Camp 1967
Gordon Broomfield in front of Merville Barracks, Colchester Garrison
Very early photo (late 50s/early 60s) of Norman Edward Menzies MBE getting ready for a parachute jump
Early photo of Norman Edward Menzies MBE
Norman Edward Menzies MBE early photo
Edward 'Ted' Durrant in uniform
Pte. G Stevens
Mike Jackson making an appreciation of the landscape during Exercise Viper Norway 1985
Major General Mike Jackson NATO picture when he was part of the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps in 1999
Mike Jackson photograph from his final days in Iraq
Pte Kevin Howard, Reece Platoon, 1 PARA, Norway 1985.
Musketeer operation log from November 5-11 1956.
Presentation of Colours 1950 'Devils Get Their Colours'
Newspaper clipping about a parachuting challenge Brigadier Joe Starling was part of
Newspaper clipping showing Brig. Joe Starling presenting a Bravery Award
Article about Brig. Joe Starling's return to Aldershot for a passing-out parade
Extract showing Brig. Joe Starling's inspection of the Victoria College CCF, Jersey in 1979
Article from 1975 detailing Brig. Joe Starling leaving the post of Regimental Colonel
Article describing the award of a CBE to Brig. Joe Starling, 1981
Newspaper clipping explaining why General Jackson went by 'Mike' instead of 'Michael'
Major General Mike Jackson photo featured in an interview in 2005
Certificate Presented to Joe Lee by Lt Col PS Field MC
Drum Presented to Cpl J Lee apon his retirement from 1 Para after 22 yrs service
Lt Col PM Kingston MC medal set
Booklet for the presentation of the Colours by HM King George VI, 19 July 1950.
Presentation of Colours, programme of events, 15 July 1974.
Programme for the Presentation of Colours at Rushmoor Arena, 1974.
Programme for the Presentation of Colours at Aldershot, 1998.
Members of 1 PARA drop from a Hastings, 1950s.
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