Captain Lewis J Bryan

27 Jan 1961 - 08 Mar 1990

Captain Lewis Jeremy Bryan served with Mortar Platoon, 1 PARA.

29 Year old Capt Bryan was killed in a road traffic accident on 8 March 1990.

Pegasus Journal December 1990.


Captain L J Bryan.

It was a considerable shock to us all to learn of the sudden and tragic death of Lewis Bryan in a motor cycle accident near Windsor on 8 Mar 90. I first met Lewis in a small hutted camp in Southern Norway where we were undergoing arctic warfare training as part of NATO's ACE Mobile Force. He immediately struck me as a man of strong character, courage and good humour; the sort of man you would welcome for company on the start line in any battle or as a companion at any party. At first I was a little taken aback by his rather unusual voice but I warmed to its echoes around my Company where his charm and enthusiasm for life was shared and enjoyed by everybody.

Lewis joined the RCT from RMAS in 1982. After a brief period of service with 1 Armd Div Tpt Regt he sought new challenges and attended and passed 'P' Coy in 1985, eventually joining 1 PARA in 1986. Lewis was a great athlete, forever seeking new challenges and excitement wherever he went. He was a highly respected runner and a most accomplished skier and marksman. I remember the exhilaration we both felt as we ran across the green meadows of Wiltshire after a long and demanding tour in Norway. On these occasions he was at his best; his infectious smile and laughter always an indication of his love for life. He went on to command the Mortar Platoon in 1 PARA and was subsequently selected to be an instructor at RMA Sandhurst at the end of 1989.

The young Cadets spoke highly of his many talents and dedication to his profession. Lewis was liked by all those who knew him; a rare quality indeed and not least because his humility, compassion, honesty and integrity were such a regular and evident feature of his daily life. Lewis will be remembered above all for his friendship. He will be missed but not forgotten (GGMcFall)

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Service History

Lewis J Bryan

Latest Comments

Susan Maxwell said:
Lewis was my friend at Gosforth Grammar/High School.
Amazing stamina/enthusiasm and determination in all that he got involved with.
He lived life to the full!
We were the best of friends.
Tragic that his life was cut short.
I won’t forget him
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