Sergeant William D Dobbings

17 Apr 1921 - 25 Sep 1944

William David Dobbings was born on 17 April 1921 and grew up Plumstead in south-east London and attended Kent College between 1931 and 1938. His first job, on leaving school, was working in a bank. He joined the Territorials in May 1939 and enlisted into The Royal Artillery (Field, Coastal and Anti-Aircraft) and fired an anti-aircraft gun during the Battle of Britain.

He then volunteered for airborne forces and trained as a Glider Pilot was posted to 2 Flight, A Squadron, 1st Wing, The Glider Pilot Regiment.

Sergeant Dobbings took part in the glider insertion to the Battle of Arnhem, during Operation Market Garden, taking off from RAF Harwell as Second Pilot to Staff Sergeant Vic McManus.

He died on 25 September 1944, aged 23 years old. He is now buried at Oosterbeek War Cemetery, Arnhem.

Profile photo supplied by Harvey Grenville


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William D Dobbings

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