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A group of the 1st Battalion, The Border Regiment at the edge of DZ X, mid way between Sinderhoeve and Jonkershoeve.

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German POWs being brought in by Sgt. Stevie Smith of Divisional HQ. Sunday 17th September 1944.

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The "third wave of paratroops", Arnhem, LZ Z, Sunday 17th September 1944. 1st Battalion.

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Four prisoners taken by 1st Airlanding Brigade on Monday morning, 18th September 1944.

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Second photo of Paras with Tonia Verbeek taken on Sunday 17th September by Mike Lewis.

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A supply container dropping on the green opposite the Hartenstein, whilst RASC Jeeps drive past on their way to the SDP.

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The dead body of Major General Friedrich Kussin after he was ambushed by the 3rd Battalion.

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A Vickers Medium Machine Gun team of the 2nd Battalion, The South Staffordshire Regiment.

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Four German SS prisoners are brought into the Divisional POW cage by glider pilots.

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Troops of the 1st Airlanding Brigade HQ dug in near Wolfheze.

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"The Master Race at work" - two German prisoners chopping wood for a field cooker to feed their own men.

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A 3" mortar team in action from No 23 Mortar Platoon (Handcarts), 1st Battalion, The Border Regiment.

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Men of HQ Company, 1st Bn, The Border Regiment, defending the gardens of Van Lennepweg, Oosterbeek.

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An officer mans a position for defence of the 1st Airborne Divisional Headquarters, in the Hartenstein.

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A soldier with a US M1 Carbine defending 1st Airborne Divisional Headquarters, in the Hartenstein.

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A shot up German truck that had just driven into the 21st Ind Para Coy position from the east.

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REME personnel dug in by the tennis courts in the grounds of the Hartenstein (div HQ).

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Commemoration service: men of the 1st AB Division, survivors of the Arnhem battle on the 25th September 1944, took part in a memorial service at Oosterbeek cemetery.

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The three AFPU photographers who took the graphic still and cine pictures of the 1st AB Division's epic fight at Arnhem

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The lone grave of a British airborne soldier buried by the Germans on the northern ramparts of Arnhem bridge.

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Major General Roy Urquhart, commanding 1st AB Division, stands outside his HQ at the Hartenstein.

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A jeep towing a 6 pounder anti-tank gun from the 2nd Battalion, The South Staffordshire Regiment.

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Part of the teams for No 25 Anti-Tank Platoon, 1st Battalion, The Border Regiment.

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Sergeant Dennis Smith of the AFPU back at Pinewood studios on 28th September 1944.

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A 75mm Pack Howitzer of 1st Airlanding Light Regiment in action on the northern side of the Utrechtseweg.

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A 3" mortar team in action from No 23 Mortar Platoon (Handcarts), 1st Battalion, The Border Regiment.

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7 Para RHA preparing a Drone for Racing 2024

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