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Arnhem first ever wreath laying service by Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands. September 1945.

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Bdr Bliss, 7 PARA RHA, observes the target area from a dug-in observation post during Exercise Sphinx Resolve. September 2013.

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The British Army’s big guns have returned to the STANTA ranges in Norfolk, 7 PARA RHA, September 2013.

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French and British troops on Exercise SPHINX RESOLVE, September 2013.

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A Sapper from 23 Engineer Regiment (Air Assault), Exercise Cypher Bayonet, September 2013.

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Three members of 7 PARA RHA on Exercise CYPHER BAYONET, September 2013.

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654 Squadron, 4 Regiment Army Air Corps, Exercise Pashtun Sword, Stanford Training Area in Norfolk, August 2013.

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Apaches fire first shots at Norfolk ranges, Exercise Pashtun Sword, 654 Sqn, 4 Regiment AAC, August 2013.

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Apaches fire first shots at Norfolk ranges (STANTA), Exercise Pashtun Sword, 654 Sqn, 4 Regiment AAC, August 2013.

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654 Sqn, 4 Regiment Army Air Corps, Exercise Pashtun Sword, Stanford Training Area in Norfolk, August 2013.

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Apaches fire first shots at Norfolk ranges on Exercise Pashtun Sword, 654 Sqn, 4 Regiment AAC, August 2013.

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Field Marshal Lord Alanbrooke with Lt Col Darling during an inspection of the 12th Para Bn, December 1945.

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2 Platoon, A Company, 12th Para Bn filling Bren magazines in a fortified building in Semarang, Java c1945.

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Boarding a Landing Ship Tank from SS Chitral for landing at Morib, Malaya, September 1945.

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Members of 12 Para Bn landing at Morib Beach, Malaysia, September 1945.

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Members of the 12th Para Bn march off having landed at Morib Beach, Malaya, September 1945.

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