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Lt Norman Field demonstrating the PIAT 1942

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Parachute Training School members visit the Airborne Assault archive, Duxford, 2011

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Members of the US Rhode Island National Guard visit Airborne Assault and get to grips with a STEN, Duxford, 2011

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Wedding photo of L/Cpl McMeekin, two days before Arnhem, September 1944.

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Museum volunteer Bob Hilton explains the workings of a PIAT to a visitor fom 2 PARA, Oct 2011

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The museums curator, Jon Baker, and volunteer, Peter Wildblood, waiting for a group visit, Duxford, 2011

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Sonny Royan explains the workings of the X Type 'chute to the curator, Duxford, 2010

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The curator gives a talk in the museum to veterans of the Duke of Lancasters Regiment, Duxford 2010

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