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An officer of 1st Airborne Division jokes about his lack of trousers after crossing the river Rhine.

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A British Glider pilot lights the cigarette of a female German telegraphist taken PoW at Arnhem

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Aerial photo showing the railway bridge of Westervoort on the east side of Arnhem, 1944.

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Lines of Lonsdale's speech to troops at Oosterbeek church recreated for film 'Theirs Is The Glory'.

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Seven men of 64 Medium Regiment RA fire from the power station at Nijmegen with a 5.5 inch gun.

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A burnt out Jeep belonging to 1st Airborne Reconnaissance Squadron in leafy Oosterbeek.

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Dutch civilians are evacuated from St. Elizabeth's Hospital by a medic waving a white flag.

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C Company Border Regiment, and 10th Para Bn, take up positions against the Germans on the Oosterbeek perimeter.

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Polish paratroopers in a heavily shell ravaged building in Driel where they dropped.

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An officer from 1st Airlanding Light Artillery Regiment shouts through a loud haler.

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Private Hurst of 2nd Independent Parachute Brigade looks through binoculars near Cassino.

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Corporal Nicks sits on a rock with a Parachute Regiment cap badge, Italy, undated.

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Privates Healy, Collins and Bowman crouch by a fire and make their cap badges at time of their introduction.

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