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Peter Malone, 7th Battalion of The Argyll and Sutherland Higlanders, date unknown.

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A member of 8th Parachute Battalion lands on a training exercise, Salisbury Plain (?), c1944.

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Members of 8th Parachute Battalion land on a training exercise, Salisbury Plain (?), c1944.

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Presentation of John Timothy's Miniatures, by the CO 4 PARA to the Chairman of Marks & Spencer, Duxford, 2012.

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Gdsm Wybrow and Gdsm Flippence, No 1 (Guards) Independent Para Coy, Borneo,date unknown.

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Leslie Honeysett, Royal Artillery, date unknown.

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Photo taken by Sgt Tom Blakey whilst jumping onto Ginkel Heath, 22 September 2012.

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Sgt Tom Blakey and veterans of 21st Independent Parachute Company at Oosterbeek War Cemetery, 23 September 2012.

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Sgt Tom Blakey and Sgt Don Turner of 21st Independent Parachute Company, Oosterbeek War Cemetery c2010.

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A member of A Coy 3 PARA on patrol in Chah-e Anjir, Afghanistan, Op Herrick XIII.

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A Coy 3 PARA on patrol in Chah-e Anjir, Afghanistan, Op Herrick XIII.

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A Company 3 PARA on patrol in the local village of Chah-e Anjir alongside the Afghan National Army. Op Herrick XIII.

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A Company 3 PARA on patrol in Chah-e Anjir alongside the Afghan National Army, Herrick XIII.

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Members of A Coy 3 PARA on patrol in Chah-e Anjir, Afghanistan, Op Herrick XIII.

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A member of A Coy 3 PARA with local children in Chah-e Anjir village, Afghanistan.

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