Winston Maskell

{ Meash }

17 Jun 1947 - 01 Jul 2024

Winston 'Meash' Maskell Joined the Army in 1962 as a Junior leader in the Junior Leaders Regiment/ Royal Armoured Corp at Bovington In Dorset and on completion of training was posted in 1964 to RHG Knightsbridge London where he was Trained on mounted ceremonial Duties.

He then volunteered for Airborne Forces and the GPC in 1966 where he successfully completed The GPC hardening Course. Alan Griffiths CG a fellow candidate on the course said Meash had that indomitable Intestinal Fortitude at all times as their GPC Instructors under the command of Chief Instructor Dave (Sailor) Morgan BEM WG , Ted Martin CG , Dennis Archer GGG.

He then joined The Company and 2 Troop. He went on his first tour with GPC to Kenya in 1966

One of the first in the GPC  to go to Pau and qualify as a French Free Fall Parachutist, earning his French Parachutist Wings.

He gained Junior and Senior Non Commissioned Officer ranks in the GPC reaching full Corporal Of Horse.

He became the GPC Signals SNCO in 1970, taking  over from COH Bob Smart RHG/D.

He was responsible for all aspects of Signals training including HF Morse and Voice using Radio’s such as the new A16 HF Radio, the C11 and the C42 . Teaching GPC Officers and Other Ranks Morse Code and Voice procedures including Radio technology, which was without doubt His brilliant Forte in teaching us all these outstanding Skills.

Meash was responsible for teaching secret Signal Codes such OTLP & Q&R 

He was the overall link in liaison with The Signals Officer of 216 Signals Squadron 16 Parachute Brigade, especially on exercises such as JAT 4 and Operations in Northern Ireland and on all overseas theatres.

Meash also served in various Theatres abroad, East Africa, The Far East, Middle East, West Germany BAOR , and Operationally in Northern Ireland.

COH Winston George Arthur Maskell completed 11 years Military Service including 2 Years as a Boy Soldier. He was also the GPA Postal and Buddy System Rep.

Meash was 'exemplary' discharged in 1973, and started a new career as a Fireman in Surrey.He was soon promoted to Station Fire Officer in Woking, as a watch commander, and Guildford as a senior officer in the Fire Safety dept. On retirement he and Sylvia moved to Chideock.

He sadly died after a short illness 1 July 2024

Profile taken in Kenya when he was a member of 2 Troop.



Information and images kindly supplied by J Farrell MBE of The Guards Para Association

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OS Winston 'Meash' Maskell

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