Private Stephen H Birchall

{ Steve }

03 Feb 1973

Private Stephen Harry Birchall served with B Company, 2 PARA.

Pte ‘Steve’ Birchall, aged 22 years, drowned whilst swimming off Kuantan, while on a training exercise in Malaysia on 3 February 1973.

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Robert Linton said:
I soldiered with Steve from 373 Platoon in the the Depot & in BCoy, 2Para until his death in Malaysia. He was an ex Yorkshire miner if my memory serves me well. A wonderful comrade, an absolute joy to soldier with, tough but humble, as nice a guy astounded could wish to meet. When in the jungle or tabbing over hills, as soon as there was a short stop to confirm position or bearings, Steve would have his Hexi burner out in a flash & water for a cuppa boiled in no time, a cigarette lit & a smile on his face. I often gratefully got a slug of tea fom him as he was a big hearted guy. Fondly remembered by me & I'm sure the rest of the guys along with other guys we lost along the way. G.B.N.F
Shaun Langtree said:
Hi Rob, Ste was Lancashire miner. Hugz.
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