Private Malcolm F Firth

25 Apr 1938 -

Malcolm F Firth enlisted at Bradford 4 April 1956 where he joined the Parachute Regiment.  He successfully passed his parachute jump instruction on course 425, 18 June 1956 and was awarded his Parachute badge "wings" on the 27 July 1956.

He served in Cyprus/Suez Middle East land force 2 September 1956 to 3 December 1956.

Malcolm was appointed to Bandsman QR’s 1955 Para 502 (E) (I) at his own request on the 12 March 1959.

Malcolm married in October 1957 and moved to Sydney Australia in 1961 , they had 5 children and he lived there until his death in 1994. 

He enjoyed golf & cycling and spending time with his family.

Submitted by John Firth

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Service History

OS Malcolm F Firth in white shirt

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