Private Lacey A Tingle

Private. Lacey Anthony Tingle was a member of 224th Parachute Field Ambulance, RAMC.

He did Parachute Course 75 (B) at RAF Ringway, 26 July to 6 August 1943. This Long Elementary Parachute Training Course was run specifically for ten Officers and 127 Other ranks of the 225th Parachute Field Ambulance, RAMC., who were doing it as a complete unit. It would consist of the, by now, eight descents: two by day from the balloon, one by night from the ballon, and five from aircraft – usually Whitley’s.

His Parachute Instructors comments: ‘Keen hard worker – fine performer’.

At some stage after his Course he was posted across to the 224th Parachute Field Ambulance, RAMC, which was attached to the 3rd Parachute Brigade.

He was on Aircraft C/N: 273 to Normandy on Operation ‘Tonga’, on the night of the 5/6 June 1944. This aircraft was to drop on DZ ‘K’ as part of the 8th Parachute Battalion Group. The aircraft was carrying elements of the 3rd Parachute Brigade Headquarters, including Capt. WE Church, the Medical Officer for the Brigade Headquarters, and his small Section of Medical Orderlies.

Private Lacey Tingle was killed in action on the 6 June 1944, aged 29.

He has no known grave and is commemorated on the Bayeux Memorial, panel 18, column 3.

Kindly submitted by R Hilton

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  • Pte Lacey A Tingle of 224 PFA, RAMC. 1944. Newspaper article

    Pte Lacey A Tingle of 224 PFA, RAMC. 1944. Newspaper article

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