Corporal James C Davies

{ Cyril }

09 Jul 1943

James Cyril Davies was the son of Charles Alfred and Mary Ann Davies of Park Village, Wolverhampton, was a member of The 2nd Bn, The South Staffordshire. 

During Op. Ladbroke on 9 July 1943, James aged 26 years old, was part of 16 Platoon in Horsa 134. This glider crash landed about 10 miles southwest of their objective, LZ 3. Enemy fire was immediately directed on it and it burst into flames. Lt. Robey and 15 Other Ranks were killed. The remainder of the Platoon made their way to the coast where they joined the Seaborne Forces. 

James is remembered on The Cassino Memorial wall, panel 7.  

Note 'Glider' insignia and possibly a 'lightbulb' parachute insignia on his right forearm. 

Submitted by Jackie Money. Further researched sourced from the books 'Glider Pilots in Sicily' by Mike Peters and 'By Land, Sea and Air' by A Junier, B Smulders and J Korsloot. 

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OS James C Davies

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