Captain Ian G R Adams

18 Apr 1924 - 20 May 2008

Ian G R Adams enlisted 28 April 1942. He transferred from The Lowland Regiment, and was successfully military parachute jump qualified at RAF Ringway on Parachute Course 78.  This course ran from 14 August to 24 August 1943. His rank was listed as L/Cpl on this course. His instructor noted : "Good NCO, confident No.10".

He was related to Robert (Bob) Adams whose service number was 3065454.

The London Gazette, where he is listed as service number 14000139, not 1400139, as per other records, states that he was commissioned into the Parachute Regiment, AAC on 19 August 1944. Records indicate, now with the rank of 2Lt, and new service number 327229, he was parachute jump trained again at RAF Ringway on Course 134. This course ran between 16 September and 6 October 1944. He eventually became a Captain in The 12th Parachute Bn.

During action on Op. Varsity, The Rhine Crossing, A Coy, 3 Pln he was wounded by a grenade at Natrup in Germany. 

Ian relinquished his commission 13 January 1948 on appointment to The RAFVR (London Gazette)


Submitted by Charles Adams

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