Patrick F Connelly

{ Pat }

Patrick "Pat" Connelly was from Coatbridge in Lanarkshire, Scotland. He joined the Parachute Regiment to follow in the footsteps of his maternal uncle Sgt. Patrick McNeilly. He was part of P Coy Pln number 288. 

He started his parachute jump training at RAF Abingdon on course 621. However this was unsuccessful and he was 'recoursed' to 622. The instructor on course 621 noted:

"Took some time to master landings which gave cause for alarm. However became sufficiently proficient in time for first descent, to be recoursed because of blistered feet."

The instructor on course 622 noted :

"Reported sick 19/7/65. Injury not caused by parachuting - believed to be by expeditious training"

Patrick went on to complete the required number of jumps on a third course, TA 18/65. The instructor noted : 

Completed his final descent on 21/7/65

Argosy and Beverley aircraft were used for training at this time.    

Like his uncle, Pat served in 2 Para and saw service in B Coy in the Persian Gulf (Bahrain) in 1966-67. 

He married twice and had 4 children. Pat ended his life in Rishton, Lancashire and  passed away on 15 December 1993 aged 46.



Submitted by Stephen Milne (Connelly, son)

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OS Patrick F Connelly in uniform

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