'Pegasus' is the journal of The Parachute Regiment and British airborne forces was published three times a year with two journals and one yearbook. Now it is just an annual publication. All the news from the serving Regiment is included, as well as coverage of The Parachute Regimental Association, charities and articles of airborne interest.
The first edition of the 'Pegasus' journal was produced in April 1946, co-edited by Brigadier James Hill and Major Charles Strafford.
Strafford, who continued as editor in his spare time until January 1949, had produced a newsheet for the troops of 6th Airborne Division titled 'Pegasus Goes To It!' during the campaigns of North West Europe in 1944-45.
Subscription is only £20.00 a year in the UK. £26.00 in Europe and Rest of World via overseas surface Mail (approx. 6-8 weeks delivery) or £32.00 via Airmail (approx 5 days delivery).
Online edition
Pegasus is now also available to read online or to download as a PDF file!
You can pay securely through the PayPal website for single issues as well as annual subscriptions.
You can choose either to subscribe to the online edition for one year, giving you access to three digital issues of the journal (£12), or purchase a single issue (£3.50).
Click here for further details on subscribing to 'Pegasus'.
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