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On the north side of the railway crossing at Wolheze. Four men of 3 Pln, R Coy, 1st parachute Bn take cover in a bomb crater made by USAAF bomber earlier that day. Cpl. Alfred Reynolds (second from left) was killed sometime between 18 and 19 September, in West Arnhem. He was initially buried in Moscowa General Cemetery, on the northern outskirts of Arnhem. This photo was taken approximately 16.00 - 16.15 hrs 17th September 1944. The War Diary for The 1st Para Bn states: "15.40hrs. Ordered to from RV. 16.00hrs moved from RV to railway station 665806 - met OC Recce Sqn who stated enemy were to East down railway (infantry only) and tanks up to north. As we could not get transport along railway any further - moved north up road. Tanks withdrew. BU 1167. Photo taken by Sgt. Dennis Smith.
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