SA80 is the designation for a family of assault weapons in service from the mid 1980s.
SA80 A2 comprises the Individual Weapon (IW) and the Light Support Weapon (LSW). These are the British Army's standard combat weapons. They fire NATO standard 5.56 x 45 mm ammunition. The LSW version proved unpopular in service and was referred to as the "Crow Cannon" as it was generally issued to the newest members of a section.
The SA80 series can be fitted with the Sight Unit Small Arms Trilux (SUSAT) sight and a Common Weapon Sight (CWS), which is a third generation Image Intensification (II) night sight.
Both weapons have been modified in light of operational experience, and there was a major mid-life update in 2002, which resulted in the SA80A2 series.
Over the past few years many improvements have also been made as a result of experience in Afghanistan. The rifle now has a Picatinny Rail attached with optional bipod and the SUSAT Sight has been replaced by the Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight (ACOG). A new plastic magazine has also been introduced. It can also be fitted with Underslung Grenade Launcher (UGL) system.
Calibre5.56 mm
Weight4.98 kg (with loaded magazine and optical sight)
Length785 mm Barrel length 518 mm
Muzzle velocity940 m/s
Feed30-round magazine
Effective range 400 m
Cyclic rate of fire 610-775 rpm
Information courtesy of MoD.
Courtesy of MoD
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