The origins of the Joint Air Delivery Test & Evaluation Unit (JADTEU), formerly known as the Joint Air Transport Evaluation Unit (JATEU) and the Joint Air Transport Establishment (JATE), can be traced back to the creation of British Airborne Forces at RAF Ringway in 1940 and the subsequent formation of the Airborne Forces Development Centre (AFDC) and the RAF’s Airborne Forces Tactical Development Unit (AFDU).
Its mission is "to enable the delivery by air of manpower, machines and materiel through development, trials and training, in order to enhance Defence Capability.”
The Joint Air Delivery Test and Evaluation Unit (JADTEU) is located at RAF Brize Norton and comprises personnel from the Royal Navy, Army, Royal Air Force and Civil Service commanded by a Lieutenant Colonel.
Its chain of command is through the development division of the RAF Air Warfare Centre, which comes under Chief of Staff Operations (COS(Ops)) HQ Air Command, and is parented for administration purposes by RAF Brize Norton.
The unit, comprising 5 lead sections and support staff, undertakes a wide variety of tasks as follows:
• Airportability Section: Conducts operational test and evaluation loading trials in order to produce amendments to associated Aircraft Publications.
• Aerial Delivery Section: Responsible for trialling equipment for aerial delivery suitability, and trial and develop new aerial delivery systems.
• Personnel Parachuting Test Team: Responsible for trials in connection with the delivery of personnel by parachute, both overtly and covertly, to land or sea.
• Helicopter Section: Responsible for the assessment and trial of all equipment that is to be underslung from UK military helicopters.
• Training Section: The sole UK provider for the training of Defence instructors in helicopter handling, abseiling and fast roping, as well as equipment trials and evaluations. It provides advice to all UK Defence and security agencies as well as supporting Defence diplomacy worldwide.
• Engineering Support Section: Provides specialist engineering support and airworthiness advice to JADTEU trials sections, Industry and MOD Project Teams.
JADTEU’s primary output is the management of the status of the Air Transport Aircraft Publications which detail the procedures to be followed and the equipment needed to safely and effectively deliver personnel and materiel. It does this through the conduct of operational trials and evaluation on behalf of sponsors. In addition it provides advice and recommendations to MOD sponsors, agencies, civilian industry and foreign governments on all air transport matters.
Based on information supplied by the MOD.
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