144 Parachute Medical Squadron RAMC (V) is the Territorial Army contingent of 16 Close Support Medical Regiment RAMC. 144 Squadron is a permanent part of the Regiment, and is based on London, Cardiff , Glasgow and Nottingham.
144 Squadron can trace its Airborne heritage through the history of 144 Parachute Field Ambulance RAMC.
All recruits at 144 PARA Med Sqn undertake the TA Airborne Induction Training course (TAABIT). The course is designed to test the physical condition and suitability of all recruits for attending Pegasus Company (P Coy) and attempting the famous Pre-Parachute Selection Course (PPS).
PPS is one of the toughest military selection courses in the world and is the benchmark of all Airborne soldiers who will serve with the Parachute Regiment and support arms of 16 Air Assault Brigade. All soldiers at 144 must first pass TAABIT before being sent up to Catterick to attend P Coy.
The course is designed to introduce recruits to the 7 events that they will have to attempt at P Coy and assess their level of physical and mental toughness, both of which are required to pass Selection Course.
The next stage is Pegasus Company (P Coy) which is located at the Infantry Training Centre in Catterick, North Yorkshire and comprises of serving members of The Parachute Regiment and 16 Air Assault Brigade. All 144 PARA recruits must first pass P Company - a series of test events that all soldiers must pass if they want to join the 'Airborne Forces'.
A candidate who fails to display the appropriate level of self discipline and motivation throughout Test Week will fail the course.
On passing P-Coy, all soldiers at 144 PARA, then proceed onto the Military Jumps Course, at No1 Parachute School (PTS), RAF Brize Norton where after a two week course and having completed eight satisfactory descents, soldiers are then awarded parachute "wings"
The TA squadron is fully integrated within the Regiment and members deploy regularly on operations and exercises in support of the Brigade. It is the only TA medical unit with a parachuting capability.
Information courtesy of MoD
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