A most beloved benevolent old gentleman, who was always so understanding to both old and young, and always so full of enthusiasm and cheerfulness, has been called to higher office.

Colonel Peter was in his mid-sixties and had been ill for many years.He gave 11 years of dedication to Stanford PTA,  known to all PARA's as the Battle Area, and continued to participate in the non-military side of the job, in the last two years of total retirement he enjoyed before he dropped dead while walking the area with his binoculars.

His body was taken to West Tofts by an army field ambulance, a fitting end, in a fitting place, for an old warrior who loved, above all things, the beauty of England's countryside, and the wild life with whom we share it .

A funeral memorial service was held in his honour at Little Cressingham Church, a short way from the cottage where he had retired with his family. A detachment from 1 PARA travelled from Aldershot to provide an escort and pall-bearers to one of their original OC's, and a military funeral. Buglers from the Royal Regiment of Wales on behalf of 1 PARA and Lancashire Fusiliers sounded Last Post and Reveille.

Many friends and soldiers from many Regiments and Associations paid their last respects. Strong contingents were present from Waveney PRA and Mundford Royal British Legion to see off their past President.

Colonel Peter was cremated after the service at a private family ceremony, and his ashes were scattered from the small bridge over the trout stream on the Battle Area he loved so well.

If God indeed is Airborne, he will have excellent company.

Gordon Cole, Waveney Branch PRA.

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