FAQs - Use of the website

Below there are a few common questions about the use of ParaData. If your question is not answered below, then please complete a general enquiry form. 

How do I enlarge a document or image?

Many of the documents are images of material from the Airborne Assault Museum archive.  The text can be difficult to read at the current image size.  A zoom feature to improve legibility is available, and can be accessed by clicking the enlarge button
on any image or document. To return to the original view just click outside the image or click the x at the top right hand corner of the image. Alternatively you can click back in your browser.

I've submitted material to ParaData but it is not appearing?

When you submit material to ParaData it has to undergo moderation. This means it may take some time before you see your material on ParaData.

How do I purchase an image?

If the image is available to buy, there will be a shopping trolley symbol below it and text saying “Buy Prints”. Click buy prints and go through the checkout process. We will endeavour to get the print to you as soon as possible.

How do I view an entire Pegasus Journal?

If you are a premium member, click on ‘Details’ of the journal you wish to view. Then browse the journal that appears on your screen.

How do I become a premium member?

By clicking support us either at the side or bottom of the website, you can become a premium member using a simple checkout system. Alternatively, if you don’t want to be a premium member but you want to support the museum, you can donate to Airborne Assault via the donate tab.

Now that there is a premium section, will the free section still be updated?

Yes. Both the free and premium sections of the website will be updated at the same rate. However the premium section offers every Pegasus Journal from 1946- 2008 and lots of rare documents.

What information do I need to make a profile on ParaData?

Service number, airborne unit(s) served with, date(s) of service, parachute course number (or when and where parachute training attended) if parachutist qualification held, platoon intake number at Depot (for Parachute Regiment personnel), scans of official documents confirming airborne service. We will do our best to publish your profile if you are missing one or two of these, however, we will not publish a profile unless a service number and sufficient supporting information is supplied to enable us to confirm a persons service in an airborne unit or military parachutist qualification.


Make a donation to Airborne Assault ParaData to help preserve the history of The Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces