The MC-6 parachute was developed as part of the U.S. Army Special Operations Force’s Tactical Assault Parachute System (SOFTAPS) program.
The MC-6 parachute is a steerable system and features enhanced manoeuvrability and performance in high-altitude drop zones with a low rate of descent.
It features a 32 foot (9.8m) canopy, with 28 gores and 21.3 feet (6.5m) of suspension lines. The maximum supported weight is 400Ib (180 kg) with a minimum exit at 475 feet (145m). The maximum altitude is 11,000 feet (3,400m).
It was reported, in 2022, that a number of MC-6 parachutes had been purchased to replace the LLP parachute in British Army use and enable parachuting from the A400 Atlas aircraft.
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